How many are there in the congregation? How many Ministerial Servants?
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
WOW - 18 Elders in ONE congregation!!!
by The Searcher inhazel grove congregation in stockport, cheshire, u.k.. not only is the congregation saturated with elders, it is/was pretty well saturated with cash - according to its 2014 financial statement to the charities commission.
its elders are listed as frank broadhurst, nick ashton, nigel bailey, noel crossley, peter davies.
Village Idiot
Taking the Bible Lessons And Going To a KH For First Time
by Cold Steel ini've taken the bible lessons but have never attended a kingdom hall.
i was curious as to what point they begin to tighten the screws of control?
let's say you're a baptist.
Village Idiot
Cold Steel,
Years ago my grandparents lived right across the street from a Kingdom Hall. My grandfather, a Methodist, was a religious man but didn't have a car. During bad weather and such, he would just go to the Kingdom Hall instead.
Sounds like you're reminiscing about your early childhood.
Caleb and Sophia have some competition
by usualusername1 in
Village Idiot
Mirror, mirror, on the wall.
I don't like the person i am becoming...
by SpunkedTeen ini have not been active here lately just lurking mostly but i have no one to talk to and i need some help i guess.i started working out and became friends with my personal trainer(we went to school together).i started going out with him(lying to my mother about what i was doing,another thing to add to the list of lies,it's becoming too easy!
) and i notice i'm slowly becoming the worldy people that the jw's described.i've become very selfish and rude and very apathetic towards everything and everyone.i always thought the values that jw's taught were really good.if i cut ties with the only friend i have now , i would probably slip into a deep depression and i that is something that i want to avoid at all costs.i start university in january and my plan was to stick it out in the organisation until i got my degree and became fully independant but as of late a elder told me i am being considered to become a m.s and told me what i need to work on and since then the other elders have been nagging me to work on the same things.i'm trying to rid my self of my 'priveleges' in the cong but nothings working...if anyone has experienced a similar situation what advice would you give?
, oh and my mom was always super into the religion having been a pioneer and bethel worker for years but we went to the regional convention two weeks ago and now she is even more exasperating (for example a sister asked my why i was 19 years old and not a ms or serving at bethel yet, which is fine i've learnt how to deal with these questions but when i told my mother whom has always been content with me just being in the religion and never pushed me towards anything asked me if i was happy with what i was and if i would not be happier at bethel or regular pioneering.
Village Idiot
That`s what happens to JW`s..
When they leave the Watchtower/Gods Organization..
Then they either become..
.................BANK ROBBERS ........OR...........................RODEO CLOWNS..
Which one are you Outlaw?
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
by James Mixon inif he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
Village Idiot
That leaves me with Hillary, a lying, corrupt nag, who will only take our country further into socialism and political correctness.
Get real folks, Hillary is a centrist who will simply keep the status quo without disturbing the oligarchy. No 'socialism' just more of the same-ism.
How to start a blog
by Holden Caufield ini want information on how to start a blog called the mad prophet.
this blog will encourage the freedom of ideas..
Village Idiot
You can go to and get their free program. As a blogger who uses it I can say that it's great for beginners.
Internet restrictions
by goddidit ini'm trying to locate an article from one of the jw publications.
not sure which one, but i'm wondering if anyone can help me locate it.
something along the lines of "we do not read their [apostates?
Village Idiot
This link is from the 2011, 7/15 Watchtower. The 7th paragraph sums it up.
7 What is involved in avoiding false teachers? We do not receive them into our homes or greet them. We also refuse to read their literature, watch TV programs that feature them, examine their Web sites, or add our comments to their blogs. Why do we take such a firm stand? Because of love. We love “the God of truth,” so we are not interested in twisted teachings that contradict his Word of truth. (Ps. 31:5; John 17:17) We also love Jehovah’s organization, through which we have been taught thrilling truths—including Jehovah’s name and its meaning, God’s purpose for the earth, the condition of the dead, and the hope of the resurrection. Can you recall how you felt when you first learned these and other precious truths? Why, then, allow yourself to be soured by anyone who would denigrate the organization through which you learned these truths?—John 6:66-69.
22 fascinating maps that show how Americans speak English differently across the US
by blondie in .
everyone knows americans don't agree on pronunciations.. that's great, because regional accents and dialects are a major part of why american english is so interesting.. josh katz, a former ph.d. student of statistics at north carolina state university, published a group of awesome visualizations of professor bert vaux and scott golder's linguistic survey, which looked at differences in american dialects (via detsl on /r/linguistics).. his results were first published on the abstract, the nc state university research blog.
the complete set of katz's maps, updated with the results from more than 350,000 new survey responses, are compiled in the new book "speaking american," publishing october 25 from houghton mifflin harcourt.. katz gave business insider permission to publish some of the coolest maps from his collection..
Village Idiot
I heard somewhere that the mass media was homogenizing speech throughout the nation partly obscuring local accents. It's nice to know that such accents can survive but without a common media we might, in a hundred years, become like China where regional dialects make each other's speech incomprehensible.
Feeling very lonely
by BlackWolf inthe past few months i've been feeling really depressed and kind of hopeless.
the few people that actually were a little bit friendly to me at the hall recently moved away, and i'm feeling like more of an outcast than i already was.
every meeting i just stand by myself by the wall and nobody cares, i feel really lonely and unloved.
Village Idiot
Don't know where you're from but local libraries have computers that can be used by the public.
Also, if you can drive that will give you some independence. Ask your parents to pay for driving classes. Public schools give driving classes - I know you're homeschooled - but you can ask them if they'll accept you.
What is the purpose of life?
by slimboyfat inwhile reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
Village Idiot
Does the god of the Bible ever play by his own rules?